Stone Roses, Primal Scream and no longer Freebasser Mani, has gone on a huge Twitter rant provoking FUC51 to peer out from the duvet and share his rallying cry against a certain someone who has been something of a target on these very pages. Is the Manc old guard finally turning on itself like a shark attacking its own wound? Read over for Mani's diatribes.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Monday, 12 July 2010
We're off. It's been real, thanks for the memories. Remember back in January? The posts were stronger and cost £15 to read, and hardly any fucker used to come here. Needless to say, those that did have all got book deals now.
We weren't here to provide an answer, just kick off a debate. Hundreds of you loved us, hundreds of you fucking hated us. Manchester is a passionate and sarcastic city and for both of these things, we should be grateful. Musically, it is in safe hands. PR companies - up your game. Journalists - up your game. Thanks. We'll hand the reins back to those on the ground.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Manchester versus Glasgow
First off, I don't proclaim to know a great deal about the current state of the Manchester music scene. After all I only moved here in April after thirteen years living in Glasgow. All I am offering then are some observations on what I've seen here, and some comparisons between the two cities. I may be completely wrong, so have a large pinch of salt at the ready.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
FINALLY, some Hac memorabilia
"This one's signed by Ian Curtis so I'm charging an extra grand ferrit"
In case you missed Tuesday 29th June's North West Tonight, D from Manchester fills us in:
"Last night, NW tonight featured an item on Peter Hook and the acquisition of his new bass guitar.
Not just any bass guitar. He's had a custom instrument made, crafted from the boards of the hallowed Hacienda Dancefloor, decorated in stripes coulored yellow and black (both colours of which Peter has bought exclusive ownership of) and with the numbers 5 & 1 adorned (again Peter owns exclusive rights to both of these two numerals)"
more info here
Not just any bass guitar. He's had a custom instrument made, crafted from the boards of the hallowed Hacienda Dancefloor, decorated in stripes coulored yellow and black (both colours of which Peter has bought exclusive ownership of) and with the numbers 5 & 1 adorned (again Peter owns exclusive rights to both of these two numerals)"
more info here
Monday, 21 June 2010
Frank Sidebottom RIP
Fuck all this squabbling. Really sad news reaches FUC51.
Frank Sidebottom has passed away after collapsing at home. Chris/Frank was a really lovely bloke and our thoughts go out to his family and everyone close to him.
Full story at the MEN here
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
A Fac-ing Treasure Hunt!
The Hac DJ booth. Oh, if wood could tell a story. All the greats. Jack leads. A mixer. A box of miscallaneous wires. The last record played within its confines (2 copies of Jamiroquai's 'Cosmic Girl', so the legend goes).
And then... well, it got flogged, along with everything else in the building (and a bunch of stuff that wasn't, so we hear). Where did it end up?
A source (who may or may not have owned it once) tells us it was 'last seen on the land behind The Mackintosh Building near The Ritz. It's an 11ft x 18ft shed sat under some blue tarpaulin. Maybe it could be auctioned off to some idiots and you could go out drinking for a few days'.CAN. YOU. IMAGINE?
Imagine getting your hands on that thing! Oh, the things you could do with it...
According to our calculations, that could comfortably hold a Qualcast Easitrack 320,
The Black and Decker Wm301 Workmate,
A Hornby Cornish Pullman train set,
AND a stack of DeConstruction promos that won't shift on eBay.
Somebody find it, before Hooky does!
[disclaimer: someone was telling us earlier where they'd last seen the DJ booth. If you're looking for some kind of point, perhaps try another post on here]
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Elevated Pub Rant vrs Elevated Pub Rock
John Robb gave us a mention on his personal blog after reading FUC51's Guardian piece. It was only a matter of time wasn't it?
He wrote: "I don’t know if anyone saw that rant in the Guardian about Manchester living in the past by Fuc51 but day by day I’m hearing band after band that proves this rather elevated pub rant wrong."
John has a point. There are loads of cool things going on in the city.
However, the irony doesn't escape us when being chided by someone who fawned over Freebass recently and gave us the literary delights of 'The Stone Roses And The Resurrection Of British Pop', 'The Charlatans: We Are Rock', 'The Nineties: What The Fuck Was That All About' and 'The North Will Rise Again- Manchester Music City 1976-1996'. Oh, and that lovely article about vital new Manchester act Rowetta in the Guardian.
Death To Trad Rock, eh?
One commentator said to FUC51 that, if we actually bothered to go to Fac251, we'd "see that it's actually packed full of teenagers having a great time to new bands or modern tunes". Yes, we know they have a dubstep night.
Alas, this point isn't exactly helped by this poster, spotted this weekend promoting a veritable array of Hacienda Dad's Army types.
Allister Whitehead (CHECK!) Hooky (CHECK!) Elliott 'last record at the Hacienda' Eastwick (CHECK!) Greg Wilson (CHECK!) Graeme Park (CHECK!) Martin Moscrop (CHECK!)
Arthur Baker, in case you'd forgotten, is credited with teaching Hooky to do his trademark 'ride the bass EQ like a champion jockey' DJ move, as mentioned on his Myspace:
"Im messing with the eq. on the desk , as taught to me by the great Arthur Baker, to emphasise rolls hand claps effects etc, then you sneak the bottom end out then bring it back in suddenly for added frisson. Shit he will kill me for telling you!"
See this 'secret weapon' in action here.
See this 'secret weapon' in action here.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Ian Brown, Peter Hook and "pink faces in faded Stone Island"
We wrote a piece for the Guardian Guide on the forthcoming Ian Brown Platt Fields gig.
Our fee has been donated to the proper Manchester heroes at Christie Hospital.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Factory Foundation Recordings
What's this? A label set up by the late Tony Wilson and Esther O'Callaghan before he died, called Factory Foundation Recordings? Oh fucking hell - this is going to be hilarious, bet they're putting out 'Pills and Thrills' again inside a massive ltd-edition black and yellow E, right?
Wait, what's this? Silverclub? Aren't they a new band? But, but, they're new...? And we hear a band called Suzuki Method are next up to release something? But they weren't even there! Shurely shome mishtake? Nope, they really are putting out releases by new bands, and there's a not a press release full of stale Hac anecdotes anywhere to be seen.
The profits from the label also go back into providing free music workshops for disadvantaged children and young people. Let it never be said we're not positive on this blog, and here's heritage being used for the powers of good. Good on them.
(yes, we know the Foundation's been going since 2003, but the label's a new thing)
FAC251 to honour Manchester's musical heritage!
We've been slating Hooky and Co (not be confused with Legs & Co) for rolling around in Manchester's 20 year musical heritage like a pig in shit, but we can't fault his latest foray into the past as it has been announced that Factory251 is to host an evening in tribute to Maurice Gibb.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Peter Hook's Extraordinary Stories!
Some wag has been showcasing some of Hooky's amazing stories that he shares when he's "out and about".
Called Peter Hook's Extraordinary Stories, we see the Freebasing Manc' at his mercurial best! Click here to see them all!
Called Peter Hook's Extraordinary Stories, we see the Freebasing Manc' at his mercurial best! Click here to see them all!
Monday, 31 May 2010
You won't FUCing believe your poor, poor ears
Sometimes, there are no words. None. Some things are so fucking mindfuckingly woeful that you're resorted to baffled, stunned, pre-sick watery silence. So with that, we'll hand over to The Complete Stone Roses to tell you all about their cover of 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' featuring Clint Boon and Hooky. Yes. You read all of that correctly.
"This is the music promo video for a re-worked cover version of legendary "Joy Division/New Order" song "Love Will Tear Us Apart" performed and recorded by Scottish tribute band "The Complete Stone Roses" Special guests on the recording which took place at "Parr Street Studios" in Liverpool (Coldplay, echo & the bunnymen etc) are "Peter Hook" and "Clint Boon" and the track was also co-produced by "Hooky" with "the completes" band members and management.
This song will be available [and you can fuck off if you think we're giving you details of how to buy it, even if it IS for charity].
Watch and weep (and be sure to click through to the video and read some of the hilarious comments. Props to the 'Nickelback' commenter)
"This is the music promo video for a re-worked cover version of legendary "Joy Division/New Order" song "Love Will Tear Us Apart" performed and recorded by Scottish tribute band "The Complete Stone Roses" Special guests on the recording which took place at "Parr Street Studios" in Liverpool (Coldplay, echo & the bunnymen etc) are "Peter Hook" and "Clint Boon" and the track was also co-produced by "Hooky" with "the completes" band members and management.
This song will be available [and you can fuck off if you think we're giving you details of how to buy it, even if it IS for charity].
Watch and weep (and be sure to click through to the video and read some of the hilarious comments. Props to the 'Nickelback' commenter)
Saturday, 29 May 2010
What's hot in May 2010
A guest post today from a new contributor to Fuc. Name supplied.

This month's copy of "Britain's largest circulating music magazine" The Fly has a great little roundup of what's hot up here right now - be sure to have a look at who our Manchester Regional Correspondent has decided to highlight - that's right, four unassuming young lads from Burnage have been featured as 'album of the month'- let's just hope this much-needed exposure gives them the career lift they need.

See also this month's recommended gig - 'Ian Brown'. Excellent. So on a platform that could potentially be read by over 100,000 people nationwide (if you believe their stats), we tell Britain that the city is fuuuuucckking buuuuzzzing about another Oasis' greatest hits album, and the eagerly-anticipated "Manc bravado" sure to be provided by Ian Brown. Keep up the good work, Kelly Murray.

This month's copy of "Britain's largest circulating music magazine" The Fly has a great little roundup of what's hot up here right now - be sure to have a look at who our Manchester Regional Correspondent has decided to highlight - that's right, four unassuming young lads from Burnage have been featured as 'album of the month'- let's just hope this much-needed exposure gives them the career lift they need.

See also this month's recommended gig - 'Ian Brown'. Excellent. So on a platform that could potentially be read by over 100,000 people nationwide (if you believe their stats), we tell Britain that the city is fuuuuucckking buuuuzzzing about another Oasis' greatest hits album, and the eagerly-anticipated "Manc bravado" sure to be provided by Ian Brown. Keep up the good work, Kelly Murray.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Last time we bought Mojo, The Beatles were on the cover

Fuc spoke to Mojo recently for a piece about Manchester. It's in the July issue, the one with
If even the heritage mags are looking forward now, then maybe we're winning. The unabridged interview follows over the jump.
Spike Island: 20th Anniversary
Did you know that it is the 20th anniversary of The Stone Roses Spike Island gig today? Yep. 27th May 1990 is when the world's most disappointing mini festival took place which saw people faced with a thousand hours of DJs and people shouting "MVITA! Manchester Vibes In The Area!" from the mouths in their round little sun-burned heads (apart from those in Reni sunhats of course).
Over to the words of Everett True, writing for the Melody Maker at the time:
"So today’s show – and it’s plusses an minuses – doesn’t matter. It’ll have been enough for The Stone Roses to have said they played in front of 28,000 people, it’ll be enough for the faithful to be able to wear their “Spike Island: 1990” tee-shirts and announce, “I was there when Manchester vibes were full on in the area”."
All he missed was the fact that half of Manchester would be saying it for the next 20 years. Anyway, here are some children re-enacting that fabled weekend in a fashion much more entertaining and enthusiastic than the performance given by The Stone Roses on the day itself. Feel free to wallow in nostalgia Mockunians.
Over to the words of Everett True, writing for the Melody Maker at the time:
"So today’s show – and it’s plusses an minuses – doesn’t matter. It’ll have been enough for The Stone Roses to have said they played in front of 28,000 people, it’ll be enough for the faithful to be able to wear their “Spike Island: 1990” tee-shirts and announce, “I was there when Manchester vibes were full on in the area”."
All he missed was the fact that half of Manchester would be saying it for the next 20 years. Anyway, here are some children re-enacting that fabled weekend in a fashion much more entertaining and enthusiastic than the performance given by The Stone Roses on the day itself. Feel free to wallow in nostalgia Mockunians.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Get Your Hopes Up (Win, Win, Win)
Seriously. What in fuck's name is this? If you can think of a worse World Cup song than this, including the dreadful 'We're On The Ball', then you're off-your-fuuuuuckinnnng-tiiiiits-maaaan.

Oooh! It's nearly time!
There's a festival on the curry mile and there's music and fun to be had! Hang on. What's this? Just how many Manclichés are there? Lets see: Ian Brown of The Stone Roses (CHECK!); Sumner playing with Bad Lieutenant formerly of Joy Division and New Order (CHECK!); Peter Hook (CHECK!); Mike Pickering and Justin Robertson of Hacienda fame (CHECK!); A Certain Ratio, who were signed to Factory (CHECK!); Mr Scruff of Eastern Bloc P45 (CHECK!).
We wouldn't be surprised if Clint Boon is the master of ceremonies on the day as well!
It is obvious that Manchester could be improved greatly by dropping a slab of concrete the exact width and breadth of Platt Fields on Friday 11th of June. We'll have to sacrifice some ducks in that boating lake thing, but in war, innocents will always die.
That, or we can simply thrill at the fact that everywhere else in Manchester on the night won't be filled with pot-bellied fortysomethings requesting 'Step On' as they'll all be reliving imagined glory years when UNKLE finally take to the stage to play the hip-hop equivalent of watery yoghurt.
Seriously though, if you are going, don't forget to make up alternative lyrics for that simian twat's 'F.E.A.R.' like "Formulaic egocentric ape rocker, fellating everyone after Reading96." And take sun-cream.
(Our tips: Catch Unabombers / Krysko / Now Wave and El Diablos, then get the fuck out of there)
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Elevating the dead over the living

30 years have gone by, as good a time as any to get a hack to write another hagiographic puff piece. Or just dig out the one you rehash every few months in the paper.
Does no-one matter until they're dead? [(c) Fugazi] - If we were Performance's press guy we'd be weighing up our options.
It'll be 31 years next year, 32 after that. Plenty more reminiscing to be done, more articles like this one to be written, despite any emotional impact they may have had having been diminished years ago, thanks to the revival industry. Big things planned for the 35th we hear. And the 40th.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Unbelievable! Not a sniff of Madchester in sight!

So a big hats off to CreativeTourist who have written an article about 5 festivals going on in Manchester without once resorting to dribbling on about 'the glory days'.
Click here to read an article that effectively says 'here's a load of great stuff going on in Manchester concerning a load of bands that aren't necessarily from Manchester because Mancs, like anyone from any other city like to listen to music from all over the world'.
*doffs cap*
Why don't we go Fuc ourselves?

Ha ha ha! This is brilliant! A Facebook page has been set up called FUCFUC51.
Their/his/her mandate is this:
"We are interested in anything good and positive for Manchester music. We are NOT like the desperate negative fools of the faceless FUC51.You wont be hearing the needy outpourings of a bitter wannabe on here.
"why can't it be meeeeeeeee that manchester is talking about"...'cos your a nerdy little dweeb and if you actually had the courage of your convictions you wouldn't post your ill-informed shite under a cloak of anonymity.
Lets keep it all good, after all, it's only a facebook page."
Click here and pay them a visit.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Not breaking with convention

'Cutting edge' meets well, the really fucking predictable. Destroy this cuntery.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Jilly's Rockworld and Music Box to close?

To stop sniping briefly, FUC51 has just heard that Jilly's Rockworld and Music Box are to close. Whilst we may not have liked the music especially, it was always nice to know these places existed.
From Jilly's Facebook page: "This is the worse news I have will ever have to impart here. It is with the heaviest of heart that I must tell you all that Jilly's Rockworld has finally closed its doors for the last time. As of now we are no longer. The recession has another victim. A great club and an institution in Manchester for many many years is now only history."
Monday, 12 April 2010
Let's Take A Trip Down Memory Lane...

Spotted and shared on the FUC51 Facebook page, we have been alerted to a gig at FAC251. And this is where you realise that the picture (above) and headline weren't amusing and ironic illustrations of nostalgia.
At Factory, on 1st October, you can spend an evening listening to Northside. How much? £12.50. Seems like a rip-off? The show finishes at 11pm and you can stay in the club to dance in the clubnight to 'I Am The Resurrection' and 'Step On'.
Don't believe us? Click here.
In other news, thank to the Weekender Blog for being exactly the opposite to us.
The Wretch Factor: Bez endorses missus

Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Monday, 5 April 2010
Roll up for the Mystery Tour

Fuc was sent a link to this the other day - a 'Manchester music tour', courtesy of The Grauniad "...featuring special guest appearances and recollections from Mancunian music legends including Peter Hook (Joy Division/New Order), Mike Joyce (The Smiths) and Damon Gough (better known as Badly Drawn Boy).
A visit to the city's newest music venue (based in the old Factory Records office) will be thrown in for good measure, along with an exclusive performance by Manchester's best up and coming band, Performance."
A visit to the city's newest music venue (based in the old Factory Records office) will be thrown in for good measure, along with an exclusive performance by Manchester's best up and coming band, Performance."
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Now the party's over...
Monday, 29 March 2010
Who the Fuc? (reprise)

A flurry of emails 'outing' Fuc51 have landed in our inbox of late (one even suggesting this was all an elaborate marketing campaign for Fuc251 itself, which if true would be mind-bendingly amazing).
The more boring truth is that Fuc is not any one person. A number of people have the login details, and the majority of our posts come from submissions from people in Manchester via our email address.
We'll leave you with the frightening news that "Gideon Conn has written a great world cup track with guest vocals from Clint Boon."
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Rock Family Trees

Elliot Eastwick: 'By the way, everyone, I played the last record'. Date unknown.

Pete Frame: 'Rock Family Trees' 1969 - late 70s
A row between Elliot and Urbis as to which came first was brought to Fuc's attention on Twitter
Which came first? More, why does it even matter?
A row between Elliot and Urbis as to which came first was brought to Fuc's attention on Twitter
Which came first? More, why does it even matter?
Friday, 26 March 2010
Remember the Hindenburg

This blog's gripe is as much with the continued perpetuation of tired Manc folklore as it is with the various cartoon characters that will continue to flog the same old horse, paying no mind to the fact that it was well and truly interred over a decade ago.
So, once again, we turn our attention to the Guardian's 'new bands' page. This time, they're featuring the band Airship. To lazily sum them up ourselves, they sound like everyband 90s American alt-rock. The Guardian can't help itself though. You see, Airship recorded their first demos in Macclesfield. Not just in Macclesfield, but in a warehouse in Macclesfield.
Quick, my article needs a hook. Can you think of anyone famous musically who's from Macclesfield? No, not Marion, no-one remembers them. Wait a minute... "...they continued to practise in this dingy, dank warehouse, dimly lit by a lightbulb dangling from a dirty ceiling, not dissimilar to the epically bleak, oppressive space immortalised in the video to Love Will Tear Us Apart"
Warehouse...Macclesfield... it's obvious really.
"They won't, they insist, be "donning black overcoats or contemplating suicidal thoughts to music journalists in the hope of shifting a few more records"
No, and why would they? Nowhere - apart from here, within this article written by Paul Lester (never afraid of a quick and lazy 'Dylan jamming stoned with a falsetto Beck' rock cliche) in the Grauniad, would anyone associate a band whose only crime is to have visited SK10 at some point to get some cheap studio time, with Joy Division.
[thanks to For Folk's Sake]
So, once again, we turn our attention to the Guardian's 'new bands' page. This time, they're featuring the band Airship. To lazily sum them up ourselves, they sound like everyband 90s American alt-rock. The Guardian can't help itself though. You see, Airship recorded their first demos in Macclesfield. Not just in Macclesfield, but in a warehouse in Macclesfield.
Quick, my article needs a hook. Can you think of anyone famous musically who's from Macclesfield? No, not Marion, no-one remembers them. Wait a minute... "...they continued to practise in this dingy, dank warehouse, dimly lit by a lightbulb dangling from a dirty ceiling, not dissimilar to the epically bleak, oppressive space immortalised in the video to Love Will Tear Us Apart"
Warehouse...Macclesfield... it's obvious really.
"They won't, they insist, be "donning black overcoats or contemplating suicidal thoughts to music journalists in the hope of shifting a few more records"
No, and why would they? Nowhere - apart from here, within this article written by Paul Lester (never afraid of a quick and lazy 'Dylan jamming stoned with a falsetto Beck' rock cliche) in the Grauniad, would anyone associate a band whose only crime is to have visited SK10 at some point to get some cheap studio time, with Joy Division.
[thanks to For Folk's Sake]
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Bernard Speaks

Fuc51 spotted this interview with Bernard Sumner from the excellent Quietus site by Jude Rogers yesterday, and the contrast with his ex-bandmate is stark. Bernard talks fairly candidly about some of the objects of Fuc's past ire, and it's refreshing to hear a faint air bemusement at it all. On Delphic, he mentions 'This ’80s revival is bit weird for me, because if I was to do a track that sounded like it was from that time, I’d get crucified!' - indeed.
We'll let the interview speak for itself. It's plainly obvious from it why Bernard isn't about to hit the road to play Unknown Pleasures to empty venues, or would ever sign his name to anything like this:
Love Will Tear Us Apart....again!
NOW a hit West End musical
featuring the songs of New Order and Joy Division
with Toby Anstis as Ian Curtis
Peter Kaye as Rob Gretton
Peter Hook as himself
(Be still, beating heart. It's not real. Yet.)
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
"Everyone dancing along Mr Curtis style"

"on the 18th May 1980 the country lost a legend, to mark his life and music.. Boon Army Army bring you a very special night... TRANSMISSION THE ULTIMATE JOY DIVISION TRIBUTE BAND...
Devoted to recreating the atmosphere of a live Joy Division gig, Transmission emulate the sound of one of the most inventive, evocative and influential groups of their era. Joy Division were formed in the late 1970s and dissolved in May 1980 after the suicide of lead singer Ian Curtis.
The remaining members went on to form New Order and have achieved much critical and commercial success. The influence of Joy Division, however, was far reaching. They were considered the pioneering band of the post-punk movement of the late 1970s and early 1980s. More than 30 years on you can still relive the dark cavernous sound of Joy Division through Transmission one of the leading UK tribute bands.
Tickets are an absolute bargain at just £7 as we want this night rammed and everyone dancing along Mr Curtis style... So come down, reminisce and let the music live on..".
Unknown Depths

We'll pass this over to the good people of the DJ History Forum.
Along with the speculation that we might see Norman Collier as vocallist for this exciting project, someone also points out that it's 'very odd to have a tribute with two of the original members boycotting it'. Yes, it is very odd. Very odd indeed.
Yes, it's for charity. Or some of it is, exactly how much isn't disclosed. Feel free to donate here and save yourself the bother.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
"It was a nightclub, not the fucking Berlin wall"

Fuc51 is about much more than the Hacienda, as we've detailed in previous posts. But with this kind of thing landing in the Fuc inbox almost daily how can we ignore it?
Imagine how many ltd. edition mousemats you could carve out of, say, a coffin?
(Thanks to Eddy R for the submission)
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Pills, Thrills and Wedding Cake

Congratulations Shaun! Reception do at Hooky's new club?
(And, your captions please)
We wish them all the best, though for some reason the late Brookside actor Bill Dean springs to mind. Are they by any chance related?

Wednesday, 3 March 2010
The blind leading the blind

Which Manc musician of yesteryear used to sign records with all the band members' names to make a few quid? The story goes that the person in question wandered into a record store many years ago and caught sight of one of these 'collectors items' up for sale for £200, and was soon signing everything in sight faster than you can say 'a licence to print money'.
FUC51 hears on the grapevine that there's an exhibition of 'recently unearthed memorabilia' of this band planned for later in the year. Could the two be related? Can you say 'pension plan'?
TV: Inside Out and Factory Records

"Is Manchester caught in a Hacienda timewarp?" asks Oliver 'Tony Wilson's Son' Wilson.
Click here to watch the Inside Out show on iPlayer. Featuring Hooky, Pickering, Ryder, yadda yadda...
FAC are spying on you!

"Hello Fuc 51
I'm thoroughly enjoying and thanking the presence of your blog - entirely necessary.
I just thought I'd let you know that a number of us have started receiving text messages promoting events at Factory, yet we have absolutely no idea how they got our numbers nor how to unsubscribe to them. I presume they bought them or got them off other mailing and
promotion lists, but I've never received texts of this ilk before and neither has anyone else.
So not only do they believe their own hype, but they're spamming people to death for the privilege. We're trapped!"
£600 Book From Mr Hook

There's been a fair few of you getting in touch about Peter Hook's latest product. What's that? It's a book that will cost you £600.
One irked reader said "Speaking as an ex-Hacienda attendee in the late 80's and also a Joy Division and New Order fan, I really do feel that Factory should be left in the past. It was great at the time, but the 50-somethings (in particular, Mr. Hook) should let the Factory mystique go. It was great 20 odd years ago, but not now. It's not helping any new bands out there. Imagine my dismay when I saw this - Hooky still milking it for what it's worth. A £600 edition of his Hacienda book....*groan*"
So what's in this thing? Well, it's a limited edition run of Hooky's 'The Hacienda: How Not to Run a Club'.
The press release says:
"Each hand bound boxed set of the book will include previously unpublished chapters, an exclusive vinyl record of tracks unavailable elsewhere, photographs of rare memorabilia and more."
"Two versions will be published a Regular Edition of 400 copies and a Deluxe Edition of 100 copies. All copies will be signed by Hooky, and genuine pieces of the bar and dance floor rescued by him from the Hacienda will be incorporated into the packages."
"The Deluxe edition will incorporate a holographic cover, an exclusive coloured vinyl 10" record, a numbered piece of the Hacienda's bar top and more"
When people rob graves, some cunt tends to die of some hex or mosquito bite... so we can only keep our fingers crossed that Hooky's cock falls off or something (we're not total animals).
This festival is sponsored by Mike and the Mechanics' 'Lookin' Back Over My Shoulder'

Ian Brown, Bad Lieutenant (which features New Order's Bernard Sumner), Haçienda DJ Mike Pickering, ex-New Order bass player Peter Hook (DJ set), and Factory deadbeats A Certain Ratio. Eastern Bloc alumni Mr Scruff will appear, along with Justin Robertson and a whole load of slightly balding thirtysomethings all asking for Es.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Can't Get Gerry and the Holograms Out of My Head
A musical gift dropped into the Fuc51 inbox earlier today. In the words of its creator, 'they fitted together like greased cogs'. Fantastic.
Coming soon to the FAC251 dancefloor.
Can't get gerry and the holograms out of my head by Fuc51
(Thanks to D from Club Panda)
Coming soon to the FAC251 dancefloor.
Can't get gerry and the holograms out of my head by Fuc51
(Thanks to D from Club Panda)
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Goon Army *UPDATED*

"[Clint Boon]'s completely in his element and it shows with every record that he plays. As he stands bopping in the box, each tune is delivered with love. Love for music. Love for real music- whatever the era. From the Stone Roses and Joy Division to the Happy Mondays, Oasis, New Order, Candi Staton and the Smiths - he works his way through the wonder years."
Lynda Moyo should be strung up and shot at.
Read the idiocy here
As someone in the comments rightly points out, the offending article has been removed by Manchester Inconsequential. Is that a victory for FUC51 we can smell?
And it seems to be back again, albeit it in an edited form. For fuck's sake. We've clearly touched a nerve.
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